Before you submit, make sure your fuzzer is able to be tested and run as per Setup
Submission Folder Structure
You must submit a single .tar
file with the following contents
- DockerFile
- A docker file specifying how to build your fuzzer (as per setup page)
- A detailed writeup as per the spec. See documentation requirements.
- For the midpoint submission - only a half page writeup is required.
- Any other files required to build your docker container.
- Any and all source code you wrote.
Midpoint [10 marks] (Week 7 Friday 4pm - Oct 25)
Submit via Give/WebCMS
Fuzzer [40 marks] (Week 10 Friday 4pm - Nov 15)
Submit via Give/WebCMS
Late Penalty (READ)
There is a 5%
late penalty taken off the mark you achieve for each day the submission is late, up to 5 days late.
For example:
- If you submit 2 days late, you will receive a 10% penalty
- If your fuzzer gets a mark of 30/40
- 10% of 40 is 4, so your final grade is 26/40